A Wild Boar and a Very Silly Monkey fell in love and created a wonderful life together in the big crazy city. And then one day, all of a sudden and out of the blue and all those other cliches, the best surprise imaginable came into their lives......
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Our Beautiful Boy (No, Seriously, This Baby Is Adorable Y'all...and I'm Not Biased At All!)
All pictures courtesy of the amazingly talented Meghan McSweeney- go to her website and check out her work! Better yet, hire her!
I have this recurring nightmare that I'm asked to define myself in some way in precisely 1200 characters or less. The words parade around me in a grotesque circle dance to Disney's "It's a small world after all", gradually inprisoning me in the box they've formed around me. I can't seem to escape this box-o-words, despite numerous desperate editing attempts, and the words are mocking me and shouting slanderous epithets galore about my semantic failures. I wake up, sobbing, and thankful to be in my bed and not at a computer frantically typing and deleting like a madwoman. Clearly, I'm a giant neurotic contradiction in and of myself (who gets way too little sleep to boot). Despite my massive insecurity, I can be pretty fun though...I mean, who doesn't love self depricating humor...it's funny right? Right? Ha ha? I try mightily to live life as one huge adventure, but the majority of the time it ends up being a bit of a farce. My new evaluative criteria when it comes to life experiences tends to be, "Will it make a good story one day? Then it was worth it." I also have an evil man hating attack cat that I adore and everyone else flees from.
He just gets more and more gorgeous! I need to come bring you lunch soon and get myself a little Jonah fix. :) Great pictures!
oh... ma... ga...
tiny babies aren't really supposed to be that cute yet! he's gorgeous!!
darryl says in addition to your cute baby boy, someone is a good photographer too. great shots of the 3 of you!
Yeah - more pics! Thanks guys and thanks for making someone who is so pretty. The world needs a few more pretty people!
He really is adorable. The photos- unbelieveable. Love very much- Chickie Face (Muffin Face's schnister) and B.Anne Moon
Like I said the other day, just beautiful. I am sooooo looking forward to coming out there and meeting your boys.
Beautiful pictures. Looks like he's sleeping...at least a little?
I can vouch that he is that cute in person! And damn, those are some awesome pix!
OMG! He's so beautiful!
Love to all of you!
ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto and ditto!
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